Friday, October 28, 2011

Thoughts on this morning's cabinet shuffle

Well as I mentioned on the previous blog this week saw the cabinet shuffle that usually transpires following an election. There are 16 ministers now includring the premier, this is down from 19 which is really good as it saves money by streamlining, you'll get the same programs under the departments but it's going to be more efficient, I projected a same size cabinet but I'm glad to see a smaller cabinet, here are my thoughts on the shuffle today by portfolio:

Minister of Advanced Education and Skills and Minister Responsible for Persons with Disabilities and Youth Engagement: Joan Burke

Burke has been minister of education for much of this government's tenure, today she got a new portfolio of advanced education and skills. This is a portfolio that is needed as the province is going to be the beneficiary of a lot of jobs due to resource development over the next few years. Burke is a tremendous fit here. Also as a person with a disability I was glad to see her get the responsibility for that portfolio.

Minister of Child, Youth and Family Services and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women: Charlene Johnson

Charlene kept the portfolio she had prior to the election. No surprise really, Charlene was doing a good job in that challenging portfolio. It's a new 1 that needs stability, so no surprise to see that Charlene kept the portfolio.

Minister of Education: Clyde Jackman

Clyde Jackman was previously the minister of fisheries and got an unfair rap in that portfolio. Education is Clyde's background and I think he'll do good there. This is all subject to a recount in his district but I don't think he has much to worry about there as 40 votes is a lot to make up.

Minister of Environment and Conservation and Minister Responsible for the Labour Relations Agency, the Multi Materials Stewardship Board and Office of Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Emissions Trading: Terry French

Environment and Labour where put together today as they where often together during previous governments. It's a mid level portfolio as tourism was but I'm sure French will do fine here.

Minister of Finance, President of Treasury Board and Minister Responsible for the Public Service Secretariat, the Public Service Commission and the Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation: Tom Marshall

Though our province has remained relatively unscaved during the recession of the past few years finance is a ministry where you need stability, no surprise to see Tom Marshall stay there. He's done a good job as finance minister and I look for that to continue for the next number of years.

Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Deputy Government House Leader: Darin King

Fisheries is a challenging portfolio at the best of times but I think if any minister in the government can make it work it's Darin King. Fisheries is a position I saw him getting after his first election so you can say I called it, albeit 4 years ago.

Minister of Health and Community Services and Minister Responsible for Aging and Seniors, and Francophone Affairs: Susan Sullivan

I figured Susan would get a promotion inside the cabinet, right here you have her in perhaps the #2 portfolio in the province (Behind Finance), Susan has shown a great amount of skill during her 4 years in government, I look for that to continue with her in Health.

Minister for Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs and Minister Responsible for Labrador Affairs, and the Voluntary and Non-Profit Sector: Nick McGrath

The only 1 of the new PC MHA's to go into cabinet Mcgrath gets 2 portfolios into 1 as he gets intergovernmental affairs and Labrador Affairs, I'm sure Mcgrath, despite being a rookie, should handle both portfolios quite well.

Minister of Innovation, Business and Rural Development and Minister Responsible for the Rural Secretariat, and the Research & Development Corporation: Keith Hutchings

I've been calling a Hutchings promotion to cabinet for a long time. He's one of the brightest young MHA's in the government caucus. I'm sure Hutchings will handle this portfolio quite well.

Minister of Justice and Attorney General: Felix Collins

The Justice ministry usually goes to a lawyer. There are a few lawyers in the PC caucus but both are in higher ministries than justice so Collins keeping Justice is no surprise.

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister Responsible for Fire and Emergency Services –
Newfoundland and Labrador, and Registrar General: Kevin O’Brien

Another minister who kept his portfolio, O'brien has been an effective minister in municipal affairs.

Minister of Natural Resources, Minister Responsible for the Forestry and Agrifoods Agency and Government House Leader: Jerome Kennedy

Kennedy completed the trifecta today, he has now been minister of finance, health and natural resources, unsure on if anyone else has ever been minister of the big 3 portfolios in the province's history. Kennedy has been out-spoken to be sure but you need that in natural resources, I look forward to seeing him doing a good job in that portfolio as well.

Minister of Service Newfoundland and Labrador and Minister Responsible for the Government Purchasing Agency, Office of the Chief Information Officer, and the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission: Paul Davis

Paul Davis gets into cabinet for the first time as minister of what was Government Services, I look for him to do good in this portfolio.

Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation: Derrick Dalley:

I would think Tourism is the most fun of any portfolio in the government, Derrick's been a volunteer sports coach in the past so he has experience with this.

Minister of Transportation and Works and Minister Responsible for the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation: Tom Hedderson

Minister Hedderson kept transportation and added responsibilities for housing, as with his other portfolios, I think Minister Hedderson should do well here.

There where a couple surprises in this morning's shuffle:

1) No ministry of human resources: Really surprised at this, though I know the premier knows what she is doing, I think that this department is a huge one, do not know why you would consolidate it with another department.

2) No Tom Osborne in cabinet: When Osborne withdrew his name for speaker I, and others, figured he was getting a ministry, wonder why he withdrew his name for speaker.

3) No minister from St.John's: I figured Tom Osborne would get back in, yes you have the premier there but I figured a Tom Osborne would have got into cabinet.

Other than that I have no qualms on this morning's shuffle, I look forward to seeing the job the new ministers do in their new portfolios.

Any comments feel free to contact me via email at